Business Litigation
When business disputes arise involving partnerships, contracts, employees, customers or vendors, an experienced business litigator can make all the difference to the future of your career or your company. Lisa Blue’s courtroom experience and business acumen provide her clients with a true competitive advantage and her hands-on involvement ensures that your objectives are understood and met.
Serious and Catastrophic Injuries
For the first nine months of 2015, there were 3,226 fatalities and 51,850 injuries due to large truck crashes in the U.S. (U.S. Dept. of Transportation). Big-rig accidents are particularly deadly due to the immense size and weight of these large trucks. If they survive, victims of these accidents typically suffer catastrophic injuries that will affect them — and their families — for a lifetime.
Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, ATV accidents, bus accidents and bicycle accidents claim tens of thousands of lives every year and injure hundreds of thousands more. The devastation these accidents can bring to the lives of the victims and their families is very real, and the effects can linger for decades. Having a trusted legal advocate involved in your accident case can make a big difference in your recovery, both physically and financially.

Oil & Gas Worksite Accidents
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration, oil and gas workers have a fatality rate seven times greater than any other U.S. industry. In 2014, 144 oil and gas workers were killed on the job, an increase of 14% and a new high for this industry group.
When bad products hurt good people, you need the help of an attorney who has taken on some of the largest product manufacturers in the nation and won large verdicts and settlements. Whether it is a faulty medical device, a drug that causes harmful side effects or death, or auto safety devices that fail to protect, victims of bad products need a seasoned legal advocate to fight for their right to be fairly compensated.